I Saw Capt Samuel Irvin Sexually Harass the 2nd Mate Throughout the Voyage & Saw Him Place the Vessel in Serious Danger. Irvin Also Told a Pilot He Wished His Own Daughter Would Commit Suicide.

(This emailed statement regarding Samuel Sullivan Irvin, III was written to the Maerk Line, Limited General Manager regarding allegations made against Irvin by a female 2nd Mate. The author served as Chief Mate during the voyage in question before later becoming Captain of the vessel after Irvin went on vacation. The statement confirms and supports the 2nd Mate’s incredibly serious allegations of misconduct by Captain Irvin. It was obtained by MLAA through records requests)

[REDACTED] - Master


Sent: Wednesday, November 29, [REDACTED] 9:41 PM

To:  Maersk Line, Limited General Manager, QESS [REDACTED]@mllnet.com

Subject: Confidential Statement Regarding Samuel Irvin

To Whom it may concern;

I witnessed the following during voyage falling between October 14th and November 18, aboard the [REDACTED]. I was serving as Chief Mate during those dates and fleeted up to Master in Charleston on 18 November.

In general, I was very aware of a constant effort by Capt. Irvin to create moments when he would be alone with Second Mate [REDACTED]. Captain Irvin used the excuse of "training" to foster unwanted attention on 2M [REDACTED]. On two occasions in front of many witnesses, Capt Irvin countered my orders for the 2M to perform her duties and “kept her with him” for “training.” 2M [REDACTED] was Very Uncomfortable and asked Capt Irvin many times in my presence to "leave her alone" so she could "do her job."

2M [REDACTED] had come to me many times complaining of this harassment and shared some incidents with me.

When it became apparent that the harassment was because she would not get involved sexually with him, I advised her to start making notes of incidents, date, time, place, who was there etc. During our European coastwise, Captain Irvin was speaking of the 2M in a derogatory manner in front of 4-8 AB, the North Sea Pilot, and myself. I told Capt Irvin that he should leave her alone so she could do her job. He later came to me and told me he was not harassing her, just training her. I replied that she's had enough training and to leave her alone. He replied he would continue to "train her" regardless.

One incident I found very disturbing took place on 03 Nov 2006 just as I came on watch at 0350 hours. We were approximately 6 NM from the Brixham pilot station. I checked the chart and quickly went out into the bridge and straight to the 10 cm radar. The situation was that the vessel was still being conned by 2M with Capt Irvin smoking a cigarette in the Stbd wing doorway. Capt Irvin was asking 2M [REDACTED] what the current was doing in Dover Straights. There were many small fishing boats and coasters about. And, at 3 NM and a point on the port bow, was the [REDACTED]. They had just dropped off a pilot and were heading out of the channel. We needed to make passing arrangements and turn to the port to shape up for the pilot station. As an experienced Master, I was upset that Capt Irvin had let his single minded harassment put the vessel in a situation where 2M [REDACTED] was flustered and not able to concentrate on her job and he had not taken over the conning of the vessel. I immediately put it in hand steering, made passing arrangements, and initiated a course change within a minute of coming on watch. I  found this VERY unprofessional and a serious danger to the vessel and crew. Later on, I had to counsel the 2M and advised her that if she were not able to wake the Master to call me. This did not happen though. I was informed that they had called Capt Irvin numerous times and had to go down and physically wake him up.

Captain Irvin also spoke in front of deck officers, watch AB's, the North Sea Pilot, myself and the Charleston river pilot about sexually intimate details of his wife, stating that, "She is so fat I have to think of someone else to get my rocks off.” Coming into Charleston on 18 Nov, as we approached the new bridge, I asked the pilot, “Have you had any jumpers?” He replied they had two, but the one of just a week before died. Capt Irvin made a loud statement that he wished his daughter would succeed in a second suicide attempt and save him allot of aggravations and money. I said to the pilot, "What do you say to that?" The pilot agreed that there was nothing to be said. He later came to me and asked if Capt Irvin was "Alright?" This kind of candid openness about one's family was not welcome by anyone and displays the poorest of taste and erodes the natural respect that goes with the Master's position and title.

There were many more incidents but this should give an idea of the constant harassment and the hostile environment created by Capt Irvin. I don't like that Capt Irvin has put me into this position where I had to "intercede" in the daily routine of the 2M and provide almost daily counseling.

I swear that the above is true.

Captain [REDACTED]


Maersk Line, Limited




Mobile Tel: [REDACTED]


---Original Message-----

From: [REDACTED]@mllnet.com

Sent: Tuesday, November 28 [REDACTED] 8:28 PM


Subject: Confidential

Please send your statement to my personal e/mail ([REDACTED]@mllnet.com).

Thanks for accommodating me today. Someone will revert with the next phase of the process.


General Manager, QESS

Maersk Line, Limited


Office: [REDACTED]

Fax: 757 852 2207



Sam Irvin Subjected Me to Horrific Sexual Harassment & Abuse. I Lost 20 Pounds b/c I Could Barely Swallow Food. When He Reads This Statement He’ll Know the True Extent of What He Put Me Through


Through Constant & Insane Sexual Harassment, Capt. Sam Irvin Prevented Me from Doing My Job, Undermined My Confidence & Placed Ship & Crew in Danger b/c I Would Not Agree to Sleep With Him