All of My Female Friends from Kings Point were Sexually Assaulted at Some Point.
* This Account Was Submitted to MLAA by the victim, a graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. *
I’ve read many of the accounts posted on your page, and I want to say that all of my female friends from Kings Point were sexually assaulted at some point. 100% of them.
They wouldn't have been captured by a statistic either, because at the time of reporting these crimes we were met with, “toughen up” and “I don't see the problem” or worse, a label that plagues your career as a woman to stay away from because she'll harass you with false claims of sexual harassment or that her morals are loose and she gets what she's asking for.
Most of my harassment happened at the academy by midshipmen and faculty, but also at sea.
It was systemic and left me with little recourse to do anything about it.
—-Female USMMA Graduate