My rack mate and I were assaulted by the same guy & I’d find her crying on the floor. The Command knew & we had to see him every day. When we reported, they immediately retaliated.

** This anonymous U.S. Coast Guard Survivor Testimonial was submitted via MLAA’s Anonymous Contact Form. MLAA does not know the identity of the author and has not verified any of the claims or allegations made in this testimonial. **

I joined the USCG straight out of high school and got stationed at a remote unit, with no females. When I reported, guys were placing bets on who could sleep with me. I was a non-rate and everyone was higher ranking than me. Member by member, I was propositioned, married or not, it didn’t matter. I was subjected to a E-5 who used to masturbate openly whenever I would walk by. I had an E-4 who used to always open my door “accidently” when I was naked out of the shower. I had the XO corner me and sexually harass me on the regular. I was the only female and every man assumed I wanted them, based solely on how I looked. I was always labeled the problem child at my unit and no one wanted to work with me, just bed me. I had an E-4 who used to stalk me outside of work. The XO on his off time, came to my apartment unsolicited, ripped my pants and gave me unwanted oral sex while I shoved him off. I get to A School and there was a “Hot List” going around campus. Men were actually placing bets or who could sleep with women and I was on that list. I had numerous guys make advances, and I turned them all down. But one day, a guy who I thought was my friend, gave me a ride back and pulled over, took my hand, placed it on his genitalia and told me to kiss him. I said no and he forcefully grabbed my face and groped me. I fought back but he was stronger. I hit him and he called me a tease. When I returned to campus, he told everyone I was a whore. I had told another member in class and hung out with people in groups from then on. One night I was the DD and drove a couple members home, when one of my classmates repeatedly tried to get with me and was rejected. When I received my orders, it happened to be at the unit he just left. When I reported, the first thing they said to me was “You’re going to be trouble. Trust me, we heard all about you in A School from him”. When I reported, my E-6 told me I was sent as punishment from god, and I was there to torture him. My first night at my unit, I got invited to a bonfire. One of the E-4’s came up to me and said, “Come with me, I want to fuck you”. I declined and left. My first port call, my E-6 came up to me with tears in eyes and told me how when he was at the bar, he overheard a couple of the thirds talking about how they were going to get me drunk, tie me up and rape me in a hotel room. I never told anyone, I was stunned. While in drydock, I just turned 21 and went out drinking. I hadn’t eaten and it was my first time drunk. One of my peers escorted me back and tried to force himself on me. Somehow, he left, but one of my female peers saw, assumed the worst and told everyone I was a whore. I didn’t talk to anyone, but on the transit back we had a new guy report in, who barely spoke English. I told him I’d help him get groceries since he didn’t have a car. Apparently, that meant I’ have sex with him and when I rejected his advances, which were in front of video camera’s on base, he called me a hoe and put sugar in my car’s gas tank and attempted to cut my brakes. When I brought it up to the command, they said it was my fault for being too nice. I requested compensation for the damages to my car and the guy ended up committing suicide. The command pulled me in and told me it was my fault he died. CGIS interviewed me and said “We know you two were fucking, just say it already”. They didn’t believe me and tried to create a different narrative. I found out I was pregnant with my husband’s child and when I told my unit they requested I take a paternity test to prove I was faithful. I reported it to medical and I was told it’s my words against a CAPT’s. I get to my next boat and once again the sexual harassment keeps on coming. I report it and also reported my Chief who witnessed the harassment and did nothing. Instead, I got an ass chewing about how the member accused was her friend and to “keep her name out my mouth”. Needless to say, it kept happening, from other members. It got to the point where I would walk down the hallway and members would literally hold up cash and ask me how much to sleep with them. When my Chief’s talked to the member, he said he didn’t do it and told everyone I was trouble. In my berthing, I was subjected repeatedly to sexual harass from my gay roommate. Constantly she would climb in my rack naked, brush by me with her breast touching me or worse. I reported it to my supervisor, and I was told I was being homophobic. Our next port call, I was sexually assaulted. It happened in front of the crew but no one stopped it. I went back to the boat crying. The next day I woke up and found out my rack mate had been assaulted by the same person. She came forward to the command about her assault and they immediately silenced her into dropping it. Extra duties, berating, leave denied, isolation, you name it, it happened. I used to find her crying on the floor. I told her the same thing happened to me but watching what she went through, I didn’t report mine until month’s later. We were both forced to see this man everyday. The command knew and did nothing. When I finally came forward, I was immediately retaliated against. I asked to leave the ship, but the command persistently tried to veto it. Thankfully, my SARC was amazing and somehow got me out of there. I filed unrestricted and found out I wasn’t the first, second, or third person he had assaulted, but yet he never was convicted. I filed a complaint against my command and in return I was demoted in front of my peers. My sexual history spilled out for all to hear. When I left that unit and reported to my new one, my assault followed me. A member of my command had a YN friend, go through my record and detailed of what I went through were spread to my new unit. To make matters worse, they knew I had transferred from being sexually assaulted and put me to work with someone who was actively under investigation for sexual assault. I again shared my story with CGIS who did nothing. Despite the witnesses and camera’s, my SA case was dropped as well as the others who came forward with me. He is still in, and has assaulted two more people even after he departed my unit. I used to believe as a woman, we are equal if we put in the work, but time and time I’ve seen “the good ol’ boys” will protect each other while we’re told to “trust the process”. I was so proud to join the Coast Guard; it had been my dream and now I leave the service, traumatized, isolated and a feeling of betrayal by my peers and my country.


May 14, 2024: Whistler McGee’s Email to U.S. Coast Guard Leaders.


I want him to starve himself. I want his parents to watch him turn into someone they can’t recognize. I want him to beg God for the pain to stop, and to never be heard—to feel what I feel every day.