The Coast Guard no longer cares about its people, just about its own image in the news.

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Hey there, I just want to express my appreciation for you being a lot of peoples voice!

I have friends that are both active duty and have been in for 6+ years. They both stated they slowly watched the Coast Guard go down a hole neither of them want to be apart of anymore.

The BM1 is soon to NOT be active duty anymore because they're making an example out of him. He's being kicked out because he was accused of bullying a BM3 that popped positive on a drug test. Said BM3 who popped positive was being discharged out they decided to pointed the finger at the BM1 and said that he bullied them.

Other very close buddies of this BM3 also made statements against the BM1 because they didn't like that he A2P to BM1. Multiple comments were made to the BM1 about how he didn't deserve BM1 and he was mistreated almost everyday for it. The sector captain, their command, and EPM all took the BM3s word for it, and because the commandant made the comment that she will work with less rather than people who "don't align to Coast Guard values" they’re using him as an example and they denied his appeal even though he had a package with roughly 14+ character statements on his behalf.

At the same time his wife who is also active duty, was the only female at her unit and was being harassed and mistreated. She made multiple reports to her command, weeks went by nothing was done. She then called the sector CMC and he met with her and proceeded to tell her "boys will be boys." When she broke down crying to him.

The Coast Guard no longer cares about its people just about its own image in the news. This family with a less than one year-old is now at financial Jeopardy thanks to the Coast Guard not fully investigating a situation just like with the sexual assault cases in D8.

Please continue to be a voice for people and shed light to this service members are hurting mentally and physically because of our higher-ups!

Thank you.

** This anonymous U.S. Coast Guard Survivor Testimonial was originally submitted to “The Pettiest Officer of the U.S. Coast Guard” on Facebook in May of 2024 and re-published by MLAA. MLAA does not know the identity of the author and has not verified any of the claims or allegations made in this testimonial. Light formatting changes for readability, or redactions for PII may have been applied before publishing. **


When I Reported a Repeat Offender, Nothing Happened to Him and I was Eventually Discharged from the Coast Guard for PTSD


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